A woman walking her dog through a row of tall trees

5 ways to meet more people and get more dates

We’ve all had that feeling. You’ve been single for a while and it suddenly hits you that you’re ready to get out there and meet more people.

But how? Where do you meet people?

Check out my top five ways to meet more people and hopefully bag a few dates in the process.

1. Sign up to online dating apps

Online dating is the easiest, most convenient and obvious way to meet people. You can do it from anywhere, at any time and from whatever device you happen to have on you at the time.

And in most cases, it’s completely free.

But what online dating apps should you be using?

There are a ridiculous number of online dating apps on the market and which one/s to use can depend on a number of things, including:

  • location
  • hobbies and interests
  • budget
  • your dating intention
  • how technical you want to get with compatibility and algorithms

When I was dating, a handful of years ago, I tried:

I actually wasn’t sure whether I wanted to meet someone properly or just be a bit more sociable so I didn’t want to invest hard earned cash on subscriptions.

2. Meet more people at an evening class

During lockdown, things like this obviously weren’t possible but soon there’ll be no excuses.

Whatever your hobbies and interests, be it learning new languages, painting or dancing, there’s a class for everything and everyone.

And the bonus of doing something you’re interested in, is that you’ll meet other people who are interested in the same thing.

A lot of couples I know like to keep their interests separate as it gives them quality time on their own but I equally know couples who like to do very similar things and will find themselves in gaming cafes together for hours on end.

So if this idea floats your boat, have a search for classes in your area.

When I was single, I tried salsa dancing and met so many people. I wasn’t looking to meet people for dates at that time but it really gave me the confidence I needed to get out there.

3. Try business networking

It might sound crazy to some, but business networking is a great way to meet new people if you’re looking to bag some dates. If you run a business or work for a company, get to as many networking events (both online and in person) as possible.

Not only will you meet loads of business connections who could potentially be really great for you and your business, you might meet someone who you have a real connection with, I’ve seen it happen.

A lot of in-person business networking events are essentially a huge room of like-minded people who you already know are ambitious and driven to succeed (nice qualities) having a drink, a bite to eat and a bit of a natter.

If anything, it’s good practice when it comes to starting conversations and keeping a conversation going.

If you do meet someone in business who you fall head over heels in love with though, probably best to make a clear definition between business and pleasure – or things could get messy!

A great one I go to in Nottingham is RSViP Business Networking.

4. Walk your dog in a new place

I can’t tell you how many new people I’ve met since getting a puppy. There’s a whole new social world out there when walking your pooch and it’s very rare that I take Cassius (my Border Collie) out and come back not having got the name of at least two other dogs and their owners.

I’m in a relationship but we both come back from walks commenting on how many people we’d met and that if we were single with a dog that we’d probably end up locking eyes with someone eventually.

And it’s not just other dog owners you might stumble upon, most passers by will coo over your pooch and exchange a few words.

5. Join a running club and meet more people

A lot of people I meet during my dating photography sessions say that they’re on a mission to get fit. And I remember when I was single, prioritising my fitness, trying to lose a few pounds and getting into shape as best I could. I think it is what a lot of singles do when they’re about to start dating.

Like a peacock on display – they do what they can to have a positive mind and a healthy body, ready for the next step in their life.

So, why not join a running club. You’ll meet people who you know like to keep fit so you know you’ll not be bagging dates with people who prefer to sit on their arses all the time.

Talking while you run is really good for you too, so if you can get in to a rhythm with your running while having those early-day conversations with someone who sparks your interest, that’s great!

You never know, things might run wild!

How do you plan to meet more people?

I’d love to hear how you plan on meeting people or how you met your partner.

Get in touch to share your story and get 10% off any dating photo shoot – don’t forget to mention this blog!

Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

Need a little help to find love online?

I’m an absolute pro when it comes to helping singles stand out on dating apps. So if you’d like to get more profile views, more messages and more dates, I’d love to hear from you.


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